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Saturday, November 16, 2019

WORLD NEWS: Republicans see first week of public impeachment hearings big bust for Democrats

"Republicans see first week of public impeachment hearings big bust for Democrats House Judiciary Committee member Rep. Matt Gaetz and Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel offer their takeaways. Politics" Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

WORLD NEWS: Impeachment and the 2020 race

"Impeachment and the 2020 race The Senate trial against the president could begin in early January. Politics" Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

राशिफल 17 नवंबर: आज इन राशिवालों के सितारे रहेंगे बुलंद, पढ़ें- भविष्‍यफल

आपका आज का दिन कैसा रहेगा ये जानिए हमारे इस राशिफल में... via WORLD NEWS Zee News Hindi: India News

रामेश्वरम तट पर विशाल ओलिव रिडले कछुए का मिला शव

16 नवंबर को रामेश्वरम के संगुमल बीच पर एक ओलिव रिडले कछुए का शव धोया गया था। एक मछुआरे के अनुसार, "कछुआ तैरते समय किसी चट्टान से टकराया होगा। इस मौसम में ऐसा ही होता है।" पोस्टमार्टम के बाद वन अधिकारियों द्वारा कछुए के शव को समुद्र तट पर दफनाया गया


WORLD NEWS: Arizona man arrested, extradited to Nevada in 1979 murder

"Arizona man arrested, extradited to Nevada in 1979 murder A  73-year-old Arizona man was extradited to Nevada on Friday to face charges in the 1979 cold case killing of a woman who was last seen in California -- and investigators believe he may be responsible for more deaths. U.S. " Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

Werner G. Doehner, the Last Hindenburg Survivor, Dies at 90


WORLD NEWS: Florida county is first in the state to become a 'Second Amendment Sanctuary'

"Florida county is first in the state to become a 'Second Amendment Sanctuary' While Democrats propose taking away what some call 'weapons of war', Republicans are touting their second amendment rights to bear arms; Elina Shirazi reports. Personal Freedoms" Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

WORLD NEWS: Father arrested after son, 5, brings heroin to school, says tasting it turns him into Spider-Man

"Father arrested after son, 5, brings heroin to school, says tasting it turns him into Spider-Man A Massachusetts father was arrested and charged Friday after his 5-year-old son allegedly brought a bag of heroin to kindergarten and told his teacher he turns into Spider Man when he tastes it.  U.S. " Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

WORLD NEWS: 5 dead, including three boys under 10, after shooting at San Diego home

"5 dead, including three boys under 10, after shooting at San Diego home Five people, including three children, died in a home shooting in the Paradise Hills neighborhood of San Diego, according to San Diego police.  U.S. " Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

WORLD NEWS: Maryland boy, 8, helps homeless veterans with 'hero bags'

"Maryland boy, 8, helps homeless veterans with 'hero bags' An 8-year-old Maryland boy has been offering homeless veterans a helping hand with "hero bags" he fills with clothes, hygiene products and bedding, according to a report. U.S. " Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

WORLD NEWS: Inmate claims Patrick Frazee asked him to kill key witness in Colorado murder trial

"Inmate claims Patrick Frazee asked him to kill key witness in Colorado murder trial An inmate testified Friday that Colorado murder suspect Patrick Frazee, who is accused of killing his fiancee, asked him multiple times to kill the key witness in his case.  U.S. " Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

WORLD NEWS: Medal ceremony honors military animals

"Medal ceremony honors military animals Leland hangs out with German Shepard 'Bass' and his handler Alex Schnell. Military" Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

सुप्रीम कोर्ट के मुख्य न्यायाधीश जस्टिस रंजन गोगोई आज सेवानिवृत होंगे

सुप्रीम कोर्ट के मुख्य न्यायाधीश जस्टिस रंजन गोगोई आज सेवानिवृत होंगे। अपने साढ़े 13 महीनों के कार्यकाल में जस्टिस गोगोई ने कई अहम मुद्दों पर फैसले दिए हैं। उनके कार्यकाल में असम एनआरसी, अयोध्या विवाद और राफेल जैसे मुद्दों पर आखिरी फैसले आए। चीफ जस्टिस बनने से पहले जस्टिस गोगोई ने अपने 3 साथी जजों के साथ तात्कालीन सीजेआई जस्टिस दीपक मिश्रा के खिलाफ प्रेस कांफ्रेंस किया था।


WORLD NEWS: Plus-size blogger slams body shamers after harsh reactions to her Meghan Markle re-creations

"Plus-size blogger slams body shamers after harsh reactions to her Meghan Markle re-creations A blogger who recently re-created some of Meghan Markle’s most memorable looks is hitting back at body shamers who had negative things to say about her size. " Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

Buttigieg Jumps Out to Lead in Iowa Poll


WORLD NEWS: At least 1 dead in Iran protests over gas prices

"At least 1 dead in Iran protests over gas prices At least one person was killed in the central Iran city of Sirjan Saturday amid violent protests following the theocratic government's announcement that it would raise gas prices by 50 percent to fund handouts for the country's poor. World" Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

WORLD NEWS: Prince Andrew talks about Epstein friendship

"Prince Andrew talks about Epstein friendship Prince Andrew has broken his silence about his ties with Jeffery Epstein; Jacqui Heinrich has the details. World" Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

WORLD NEWS: Deroy Murdock: Adam Schiff's impeachment show is off to a shaky start

"Deroy Murdock: Adam Schiff's impeachment show is off to a shaky start Impeachment testimony in the House has reflected hearsay and second- and third-hand information. In other words, rumors and gossip. Opinion" Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

WORLD NEWS: Bruce Ashford: Kanye visits Joel Osteen’s church – Here’s what he should do

"Bruce Ashford: Kanye visits Joel Osteen’s church – Here’s what he should do On Sunday, musician – and self-described born-again Christian – Kanye West will take the stage at Lakewood Church, Joel Osteen’s megachurch in Houston. According to news reports, he will appear with Osteen in the morning and will perform with his traveling choir on Sunday evening at the church. Opinion" Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

घरेलू उद्योगों को तोहफा, नहीं लेनी होगी NOC

केंद्र सरकार ने दिल्ली के लिए बड़ा फैसला लिया है। सरकार ने कहा है कि दिल्ली में घरेलू उद्योगों को लेबर, प्रदूषण और उद्योग विभाग से अनापत्ति प्रमाणपत्र लेने की जरूरत नहीं होगी। बता दें कि दिल्ली में अगले साल की शुरुआत में ही विधानसभा चुनाव भी होने हैं। via WORLD NEWS The Navbharattimes

अयोध्या फैसला: आज होगी AIMPLB की अहम बैठक

अयोध्या पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट के फैसले पर चर्चा के लिए आज ऑल इंडिया मुस्लिम पर्सनल लॉ बोर्ड की बैठक होगी। बैठक में इस बात पर विचार किया जाएगा कि फैसले के खिलाफ पुनर्विचार याचिका डाली जाए या नहीं। साथ ही इस बात पर भी चर्चा होगी कि फैसले के मुताबिक मस्जिद निर्माण के लिए 5 एकड़ जमीन ली जाए या नहीं।


WORLD NEWS: Pence adviser says Trump request that Ukraine open Biden probe was 'unusual and inappropriate'

"Pence adviser says Trump request that Ukraine open Biden probe was 'unusual and inappropriate' An adviser to Vice President Mike Pence told House impeachment investigators this month that President Trump's request for Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to open an investigation into Vice President Joe Biden and his family "struck me as unusual and inappropriate." Politics" Via FOX NEWS To WORLD NEWS

ट्रांसफर से नाराज़ पुलिस सब इंस्पेक्टर ने 45 किलोमीटर की दौड़ लगाई

उत्तर प्रदेश के इटावा में एक पुलिस सब इंस्पेक्टर ने ट्रांसफर से नाराज होकर दौड़ लगाने की ठान ली। सब इंस्पेक्टर विजय प्रताप ने अपना विरोध दर्ज कराने के लिए जहां उनका ट्रांसफर किया गया था वहां तक दौड़ कर पहुंचने की ठानी। वे पुलिस लाइन्स से बिठौली तक की 65 किलोमीटर की दूरी दौड़ कर पूरी करना चाहते थे। हालांकि, वह लगभग 45 किलोमीटर तक दौड़ने के बाद बेहोश होकर गिर पड़े। लोगों ने उन्हें अस्पताल पहुंचाया जहां उनका इलाज चल रहा है।